Holding Hope Connects - Learning Series: The Fundamentals of Safe Supply

Understanding safe supply as a harm reduction model

Corey Ranger is the Clinical Nurse Lead for AIDS Vancouver Island and SOLID's safe supply project, the Victoria SAFER Initiative (Victoria, BC). He is also the President of the Harm Reduction Nurses Association and a board member for the HIV Legal Network. Corey is passionate about pragmatic public policy and ending the racist, colonial War on Drugs in the lands commonly referred to as Canada.

Corey Ranger will be presenting information on the fundamentals of safe supply, its roots in harm reduction and the liberation of people who use drugs, and the dire need to develop de-medicalized and lower barrier models for the provision of a safe supply. Corey will finish the presentation by discussing the Victoria SAFER Initiative, a flexible, harm reduction model for safe supply.

Moms Stop the Harm along with researchers, health care professionals, policy makers and politicians, continues to advocate that a “safe supply” of drugs is urgently needed to address the toxic illicit drug supply. Providing a legal and regulated supply of drugs has the potential to support people who use drugs to stay alive and to live safe and healthy lives.

Please join Corey Ranger as he explains what “safe supply” means, and shares information about the Safer Initiative in Victoria BC.

Event Details:

Date: Thursday, November 25, 2021

Time: 5:00 - 7:00 pm MDT

Cost: FREE

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